Hi! I'm Cirqueira

Working in Information Tecnology and Development since 2000.
Linux user since the late 90's.
Main programming Language TOTVS ADVPL/TLPP
Currently leading the Information Technology Systems team at Grupo Econômico Balbo



Já leu? Transformando suor em ouro

Já leu? "Transformando suor em ouro" não é um livro novo, mas, tem inspirado membros e líderes de equipes desde o seu lançamento. Você talvez nem seja um atleta profissional ou amador, porém, em algum momento já ouviu falar do famoso técnico de vôlei Bernardinho. E se você já passou dos 35 anos,...

Easily integrate Topdesk and Microsoft Teams

Does your company is a Topdesk and MicrosoftTeams user? So don't waste your time and integrate them. We made this setup on Grupo Econômico Balbo. In fewer steps you can setup one way integration between Topdesk and MicrosoftTeams, sending notification to a channel. It's simple, but an incredible...

14 Habits of Highly Productive Developers (e-book)

Are you a standalone developer or a member of a squad? Doesn't matter. You really need keep productive. But when I'm reading some productivity books, it seems that not for my reality. Does it happen to you too? What about you receive tips and tricks from developers around the world to productivity?...

First Post a.k.a. Hello World

Hello. This is the first post blog, a.k.a. "Hello World" post. Please, keep following this site and my other social media to keep on track. Thank you and come again.